Professional Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hammond’

3 Common Problems with Your Fireplace

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Your fireplace likely hasn’t seen much use this summer, as our hot, humid weather in Hammond, LA has left people far more interested in air conditioning than heating. But fall is officially here and with cooler weather comes the need to open up those chimney flues and warm your home with a nice cozy fire. However, all those months sitting unused may have created problems with your fireplace or made existing ones more difficult. Before you use your fireplace this fall, it pays to schedule a maintenance session with a trained technician to look for some of the common problems.

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What Are SEER Ratings?

Monday, September 21st, 2015

With fall coming to Hammond, LA, we’re finally at a point where you can turn off your air conditioner for a few days. And if you have an older air conditioner, now is the time to think about replacing it.  When looking for a new air conditioner, pay careful attention to the SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the rating, the more efficient the air conditioner. What are SEER ratings specifically, and how do they work? Read on for the answers.

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3 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Hammond, LA is a warm city, and even though Labor Day has come and gone, high temperatures are still bound to linger for a few more weeks. But fall will be here before you know it, which means that now is an ideal time to start looking at your heating system. The more preparation you can do before the mercury drops, the fewer problems you’ll have when you need your heater to respond. Here are 3 ways to prepare your home for fall, which could save you a great deal in winter heating costs.

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Are Ductless Mini-Split Systems Right for Me?

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Here in Hammond, LA, we have a large number of different types of homes, each with a different type of air conditioning need. In some cases, a ductless mini-split system may be right for you. These units divide your home into individual sections, each one cooled by its own separate air conditioning unit. The system allows you to adjust the temperature in each room separately, or even turn off the air in rooms that no one is using. Ductless mini-split systems aren’t right for every household, but here’s a few quick guides to see if they fit your specific needs.

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What Factors Go Into Air Conditioning Sizing?

Monday, August 31st, 2015

If you’re purchasing a new air conditioner, you need to know how powerful it should be to adequately cool your home. Undersized air conditioners simple won’t do the job, while oversized ones will short cycle – turning on and off too rapidly – which wastes power and adds undue strain on the system. (Air conditioners use most of their power starting up and shutting down, which is why you want yours to run for at least 15 minutes every time it turns on.) Both of those situations can cost you a great deal of money in monthly bills and add to the risk of a breakdown, which is a serious concern here in Hammond, LA, where our summers are blisteringly hot. A good technician can perform proper calculations on your home to determine the properly sized air conditioner for you. But what factors go into air conditioner sizing? Here’s a quick rundown.

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3 Ways to Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs

Monday, August 24th, 2015

August is here and with it comes the highest cooling bills of the year. Hammond, LA is rife with humidity on top of the high temperatures, and while a reliable air conditioner will see you through it, you’re likely going to have to pay for the privilege. Just make sure you aren’t paying more than you should. You can take a few simple steps to cut down on your bill: steps you’re already likely familiar with such as wearing lightweight clothes in the house and setting your thermostat a few degrees higher than you might otherwise. But with a little help from a trained technician, you can do even more. Here are 3 ways to cut your air conditioning costs.

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3 Signs That You Need Duct Sealing

Monday, August 17th, 2015

The duct system in your home is vital to ensuring that cool air from your air conditioner and warm air from your heater gets where it needs to go. Normally, they don’t encounter any problems, since they’re tucked safely away in your attic or in the crawlspace between your walls. But breaches can occur, either because the ducts suffer damage, or because the bolts and fittings become loose.

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Why Is Low Air Flow in Your AC a Problem?

Monday, August 10th, 2015

If you’ve noticed that your air conditioner is generating plenty of cool air, but that the air flow doesn’t seem to be moving as swiftly as it once did, you might have a serious problem on your hands. We tend to think of air conditioning issues as something solely centered around cooling capacity, but in truth low air flow can be just as troublesome as a lack of cool air. Here in Hammond, LA our summers are too hot and sultry to just leave an issue like that alone. But what causes low air flow? And more importantly, why is low air flow in your AC a problem?

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What Kinds of Problems Do Air Filtration Systems Fix?

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

We live in Hammond, LA, which means that temperatures are excruciatingly high in the summertime. But because of those high temperatures, we often focus exclusively on our air conditioners to make our homes comfortable. They do a great job, but they tend to only address the heat, leaving a lot of other indoor air quality issues unaddressed. A good air filtration system can address many of these issues, whether it be a simple set of filters or a more elaborate system such as UV germicidal lights or a dehumidifier. Which system works best for you will depend on the specifics of your home, and the kinds of problems you need your air filtration system to fix.

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Get a Jump on Heating Maintenance Now

Monday, July 27th, 2015

Let’s face it: heating is probably the last thing on your mind right if you live in Hammond, LA right now. Our steamy southern summers are in full swing, and homeowners are rightfully focused on keeping their air conditioners well maintained. But the heat will cool off before you know it, and while Louisiana is a long way from Michigan or Maine, we still get our share of chilly nights in the winter. The last thing you want is to fire up your heater, only to find out that it needs a major repair or even have it running with less efficiency than you expect. You can get a jump on that by planning for heating maintenance now, before the temperatures drop.

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