Professional Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hammond’

When Should I Consider a Ductless Mini Split System?

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Here in Hammond, LA, most of us rely on forced-air furnaces and air conditioners, which utilize a centralized format. In other words, they generate their hot or cool air in a single place, then blow it through your whole house with a series of ducts. It’s a very efficient method and it makes a lot of sense in places with mild winters like ours. But in some cases, you might want to think about another option: a ductless mini-split system. This divides your home into individual sections – usually by room though not always – and provides a single heat/cooling unit to work for that section. It costs more to install, but provides a number of benefits, which can influence your decision to have a set put in. When should you consider a ductless mini-split system? Here’s a few pointers to help make that decision.

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What Happens When Heat Pump Refrigerant Runs Low?

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Heat pumps see a lot of use here in Hammond, LA, since our winters are mild and our atmosphere is conducive to the technology. Heat pumps work in a manner similar to an air conditioner, which means they rely on a set level of refrigerant to do their job. When leaks spring up in the system or the refrigerant otherwise runs low, the heat pump needs the attention of a trained technician to make it right. Here’s a quick breakdown of what happens when there isn’t enough refrigerant in your heat pump.

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Causes of Low Air Flow in Your Heater

Monday, February 8th, 2016

Your heating system may not see as much use as your air conditioning system here in Hammond, LA, but it still has to hold the line on our chilly nights, and when it runs into problems, you need to treat them just as swiftly as you do your air conditioning. Take the question of low air flow, for instance. It doesn’t sound like a huge deal – the air from your furnace simply moves through your home more slowly – but in fact it can spell big trouble. Not only does it take longer for your heater to do its job, raising your monthly bills and increasing stress on the system to boot, but if the hot air isn’t moving, then it will likely just sit in your heater: raising the temperature of internal components and running the risk of a serious breakdown. If you detect low air flow in your heater, shut it off and call in a service professional immediately. The causes are varied, but can include the following.

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3 Signs of a Damaged Heat Exchanger

Monday, February 1st, 2016

The heat exchanger is one of the primary components in your furnace.  The heated gas from the burners passes through them and warms up the metal: heating the air to be delivered into your home while venting the exhaust gas safely out of the system. A damaged heat exchanger is a big problem, especially in Hammond, LA where our heaters sit unused for many months out of the year and which can contribute to the sort of corrosion that can damage a heat exchanger. Damage means that the exhaust isn’t leaving the way it needs to, which constitutes a safety hazard for you and your family. Here are 3 signs of a damaged heat exchanger that you should look out for. If you spot them, shut the system down and call for repairs immediately.

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Look Into the Advantages of Solar Air Conditioners

Monday, January 25th, 2016

We get a lot of heat and sunshine in Hammond, LA, which normally can be quite trying around here in the summer. One way to get all that heat to work for you is to look into the possibility of a solar air conditioner installed in your home. With winter here and your air conditioner taking a back seat to your heating system, now it the perfect time to look into the advantages of solar air conditioners and decide if one may be right for you.

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Why Is Dust and Dirt a Problem for My Heater?

Monday, January 18th, 2016

Heaters usually come with air filters designed to catch dust, dirt and other particles  before it can spread into the system (or your ducts).  Normally filters need to be replaced every month or so, and you can pick up inexpensive replacements at any hardware store in Hammond, LA. But before you do so, you may want to consider a more thorough solution: a whole-house air cleaner. Not only will it keep your home more free of dust and dirt, but it will also keep dirt out of your heating system itself. Considering the operation problems that excessive dust and dirt can cause, it could be the best decision for your heater you ever made.

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Reduce Asthma Attacks With Timely Cleaning

Monday, January 11th, 2016

We love our sultry summers and mild winters here in Hammond, LA, but our muggy climate and high pollen counts can wreak havoc with family members who suffer from asthma or similar conditions. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot we can do about the weather around here. There is, however, quite a bit we can do about making your home healthier and happier if you or another family member suffers from asthma. With timely cleaning sessions, as well as judicious upgrades, you can help reduce the frequency of asthma attacks among vulnerable residents in your home and raise the indoor air quality.

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Why Are Commercial HVAC Systems Modular?

Monday, January 4th, 2016

If you own or operate a business here in Hammond, LA, then heating and air conditioning systems are a high priority for you. You need them to function at the top of their game every day, lest they fail just when you need them the most: driving away customers and leaving both employees and vital equipment like computers significantly worse for wear. You may have noticed that most commercial HVAC systems adopt a modular approach: using numerous smaller units, usually mounted on the roof, instead of one larger unit which you typically have in a residential building. Why are commercial HVAC systems modular? As with many aspects of business, it’s the most expedience means of doing the job.

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Now is the Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Monday, December 28th, 2015

We enjoy very mild winters here in Hammond, LA, which means our heating systems are likely to see fairly light duties during the cold months. Our summers, on the other hand are long and hot, and when the temperatures start to rise, your air conditioner will need to do the job every day without fail. If you have an older air conditioner and you’re looking to get it replaced, now is the time to do so: when you can schedule the session according to your needs instead of racing to get it done in front of one of our Louisiana heat waves.

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Beware of Beaches in Your Duct Work

Monday, December 21st, 2015

We live in Hammond, LA, which means our winters are very mild and our heaters see intermittent use at best. This actually makes an ideal time to look at problems that may be affecting your HVAC system’s efficiency, including breaches or breaks in your ducts. The duct work in your home exists to spread conditioned air from your system into your various rooms, nooks and crannies. When a breach opens up – due to damage in your ducts or perhaps the fittings between two sections of ductwork becoming loose – it can cause a great deal of trouble for your heating and air. Beware of breaches in your ductwork and be ready to get the issue addressed as quickly as possible.

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