Professional Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hammond’

Do I Need a Heating Contractor?

Monday, February 10th, 2025

In Louisiana, we don’t use our heat as much of the year as many of our northern neighbors do. This means our heating systems don’t get as much wear and tear from constant use for several months, like the furnaces of our frozen friends in Maine or Minnesota. But does that mean we don’t need to pay much attention to our heating systems?

Despite our warmer climate, it does get cold enough in the winter here to cause some serious hazards if you don’t have a functional furnace. Health concerns and even frozen pipes could occur. Even in our area, it’s always worth taking excellent care of your heating system. This means you need a trusted, reliable heating contractor.

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Fix Your Own Furnace? No! Here’s Why DIY Is a Bad Idea

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Today, you can find all kinds of information at your fingertips. Once upon a time, people had to go to the library, or consult a hard-to-find expert when they wanted to know something. Now, you carry a world’s worth of knowledge in your pocket. But not everything you see on the internet is actually a good idea!

It’s great to tackle DIY projects when the costs and risks are low. Sure, learn how to do wallpapering! But some parts of your home must only be worked on by experts. Your furnace requires specialized training, licensing, and equipment to repair. Is all that really necessary? Yes! Here’s why not to DIY heating repair.

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Prolong AC Life: Protect Your Compressor

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

An air conditioner is quite an investment. You want it to keep your home cool and comfortable for as many years as possible so you can really benefit from that investment. The last thing you’d want is for your air conditioner to break down and need to be replaced in just a handful of years! 

We’d like to help you enjoy that investment for many years. How can you avoid the problems that lead to early air conditioner replacement? The key to a long-lasting air conditioner is the compressor. Protect that component to prolong AC life. Here’s how to do it.

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Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Your air conditioner has been working hard for a while now. And the season won’t be over for quite some time yet. All that hard work has a major impact on the ability of your air conditioner to keep chugging along and keep your home cool. And the best way to make it easier, and to cut down on the wear and tear that hard work creates, is by having annual maintenance done. Did you do that?

If you forgot to schedule your annual AC maintenance this spring, if you thought you could get away with skipping a year, or if AC maintenance isn’t something you usually do at all, your air conditioner is at risk of developing serious problems. Is it too late to schedule AC maintenance this year? Should you put it off any longer? What would be the benefit of doing it now? We’ll tell you.

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Got Allergies? Improve Your Indoor Air Quality!

Monday, March 25th, 2024

It’s that time of year again. After the winter weather kept allergen levels lower for quite a while, things are starting to get stirred up for the springtime. Ash, cedar, cypress, elm, maple, mulberry, oak, pecan, and willow trees produce huge amounts of pollen this time of year. The spring allergy season is long, and summer grass allergies can be even worse!

If you’re tired of taking allergy medications and hiding indoors and still having watery eyes, an itchy nose, and sneezing, it’s time to take control of your indoor air quality. Your home should be your sanctuary. You can be safer from allergens and feel much healthier by having an indoor air quality system installed in your home. Here’s what you should know.

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How Heat Pump Repairs Are Different from AC Repairs

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Heat pumps are the ideal choice for home comfort in our climate. Congratulations on choosing the most-efficient possible heating system you can get, all in one amazing package that also provides air conditioning! But if you’ve never had a heat pump before, you might have some questions. 

What makes a heat pump different from an air conditioner? What maintenance do heat pumps require? How are heat pump repairs different from air conditioning repairs? Don’t worry, we’ve got answers for you.

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Why Your Furnace’s Flame Sensor is So Important

Monday, December 18th, 2023

It’s a cold day in Louisiana and your gas furnace isn’t working. You’re wondering what could possibly be wrong. The symptoms are that the furnace turns on but then turns off after just a few seconds. It’s not short cycling because the furnace doesn’t stay on that long. What could it be?

For this unusual situation, the likely culprit is the flame sensor. Although you may not have experienced this before, it’s a common issue with gas furnaces. There may be a simple solution that’ll require calling us for furnace repair in Hammond. You should never attempt to work on your gas furnace yourself. Let’s dive into what a flame sensor does and what can go wrong.

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Uncommon AC Issues & What’s Causing Them

Monday, September 11th, 2023

You’re probably familiar with the signs of common problems with air conditioners. Perhaps you’ve even called us when your AC’s evaporator coils froze up or it was emitting lukewarm air. These are all situations when it’s obvious that it’s time to call us to diagnose and fix the issue. But there are uncommon AC issues that aren’t as well known and don’t occur as often.

Let’s go over some more unusual issues that you might come across someday as a homeowner in Hammond, LA. That way you won’t be left wondering whether you should call for AC repair or if it’s completely normal.

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OPTIONS Premier Services for People with Disabilities

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

We’d like to dedicate this blog post to telling our customers all about OPTIONS, a private non-profit agency serving our Hammond, Louisiana community. Their mission is to help people with disabilities live and work in the community.

OPTIONS is a local 501(c)3, non-profit agency established in 1973, by parents looking for community-based services for their children with disabilities. Although they were founded in 1973, they evolve by responding to the current needs of the people they serve in our community. They have a variety of opportunities at OPTIONS to best serve the individual needs of each person with a disability.

What Can Families Expect from OPTIONS

OPTIONS’ mission is to help people with disabilities live and work in the community. Their vision is for people with disabilities to be valued, respected, and integral members of the community. They are person-centered and meet the individual needs of each person.

What Makes OPTIONS Unique

OPTIONS is a premier provider of services. They offer 24/7 care, residential services, nursing support and advocacy, transportation, job placement and training, day programs, fun activities, community events, and so much more!

What Should Donors Know About OPTIONS

Donations remain local and 92% of those dollars directly serve OPTIONS participants’ essential needs such as health care, transportation, meaningful work, and activities.

How Can Someone Get Involved with OPTIONS

We encourage you to learn more about OPTIONS, support their mission, and pass along their information to someone you know who might benefit from their many services.

When you need it done right, call Professional Heating & Air!

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Why A Clogged Condensate Line Is Bad News

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the moisture your AC collects during the cooling process? Your air conditioner has a part called a condensate drain that is designed to collect and channel away this moisture. But water and condensation aren’t all that’s capable of entering this drain. Dust and dirt can accumulate and things like mold spores can develop in this line and become trapped in the drain. 

Just like with any drain line with a small diameter, the condensate line can eventually become clogged to the point that no condensation can pass through. This water may back up into the air conditioner or around the surrounding floor and walls. As you can imagine, leaking water is never a good thing in a home. Learn why this happens and what you can do to prevent it. If your AC develops a drain clog, give us a call for prompt air conditioning service in Hammond.

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