Why Furnace Problems Can Become Dangerous

October 25th, 2021

We’d like to start off this blog by reassuring homeowners everywhere that furnaces aren’t inherently dangerous. What this means is that a furnace is designed with various different safety systems to ensure that it doesn’t endanger you or your family. Regardless of the type of furnace you have, it’s designed to be safe.

However, like all dangerous things in this world, a furnace can become unsafe if it’s mistreated or neglected in a certain way. The machine that provides your heating in Covington, LA could be a gas furnace, which means it’s burning gas in order to produce heat for your home. This combustion can be dangerous if there’s a problem occurring that isn’t fixed by professionals.

Let’s cover some of the common problems that can crop up with a gas furnace, and highlight the importance of fast repairs. Neglect can quickly allow a problem to fester and compound into additional problems, which will ultimately make your furnace unsafe.

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It’s Energy Awareness Month!

October 11th, 2021

According to energy.gov it is Energy Awareness Month! This means it’s that time of the year to take a look at our energy bills to determine what’s working and what isn’t. It’s no surprise that energy costs are going up year after year, and we fight against these rising costs with more energy-efficient appliances.

This blog post is going to be about your energy bill and how it relates to heating in Amite, LA. We’ll be taking a look at how much energy your heating system uses, how much energy it should use, and what to do if you think your heating system is losing efficiency. Our team is ready and able to help you fix this problem with a simple repair or scheduled maintenance for your heating system.

No matter if you’ve got an electric furnace or a heat pump, our team can help you with your energy efficiency needs.

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Why Heat Pump Maintenance Is Twice a Year

September 27th, 2021

We’ve seen plenty of frustrated customers that learn about heat pump maintenance being twice a year. If it feels like some sort of scam, or like a recommendation rather than a necessary service, we completely understand. As new technology becomes widely available, it’s up to companies like ours to help homeowners learn about why these systems need the services they do. So we’ve taken it upon ourselves today to talk about heat pump maintenance.

Heat pump air conditioning in Mandeville, LA is popular. We’ve got a lot of homes in our area that are cooled and heated by heat pump systems. That’s why we need to talk about how important it is that your heat pump gets maintenance twice a year. This is a necessary service that’s going to keep the system’s warranty active, keep it in good condition, and extend its lifespan. Keep reading to find out more.

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If You’re Waiting on Repairs, Here’s What You Can Do

September 13th, 2021

We’re in the middle of September, so many homeowners are turning off their air conditioners thinking the hot weather is over. But as long-time Louisiana natives, we know that this is probably not true. We still get heatwaves deep in the fall and our air conditioners end up running for almost ten months throughout the year. That’s why it’s important to have your air conditioner repaired when it starts to have trouble.

Today we’re going to talk about a few strategies to employ when you’re in need of help with your air conditioning in Covington, LA and you’re stuck waiting for a professional. Our team is fast and effective, but we still need to drive to your home and assess the situation. This means you’re going to need to stay safe, comfortable, and happy until we get there.

Let’s discuss a few ways to help you achieve that goal.

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Your AC’s Air Filter Is Important!

August 16th, 2021

There’s a misconception going around our community that the air filter in your air conditioner is a luxury item. To elaborate, some people think that it’s just there to help filter contaminants from your indoor air to make breathing easier and to make your home feel more comfortable. While they’re not wrong, they’re also not right.

The air filter in your AC serves a very important role in the functionality of your system and the cooling process in general. While it absolutely helps with your home’s indoor air quality, it’s integral to the power of your HVAC in Covington, LA. Without a proper filter, you’d probably see a whole heap of problems develop based on indoor air contaminants and dirty coils.

Let us walk you through the intended purpose of these air filters, and why you should always clean them every one to three months.

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3 DIY AC Fixes to Stay Away From

August 2nd, 2021

It’s no surprise that there’s been an uptick in DIY fixes on air conditioners in the past few years. With more people using the internet to find information, homeowners can easily come across tutorials and “quick fixes” complete with a whole guide and video to accompany them. It seems like the time of professional AC repairs is over, and anything can be done by a curious homeowner, right?

Absolutely not. DIY fixes can quickly become a hassle and even more costly than professional visits. Think about it, if you’re not experienced or trained, how do you know that you’re fixing the source of the issue at hand? How do you know you’ve got the right tools to fix a problem, or the right refrigerant to recharge your system? Just one minor slip up could lead to a completely broken down system and the need for expensive air conditioning repair in Mandeville, LA.

Let’s talk about what homeowners shouldn’t do in the HVAC world.

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When to Repair Vs. When to Replace

July 19th, 2021

The term “replacement” is kind of a boogeyman in the HVAC industry. Homeowners want to keep running their air conditioners for as long as possible because they know that replacement costs a lot more money than a quick repair. While in theory this makes sense, in practice it actually doesn’t.

Replacement is an expensive service, but that’s because it’s built for long-term solutions that actually save money down the line. If your air conditioner has reached its limit, is beyond its standard life expectancy, or it’s just not working properly, replacement services are actually going to be better than an air conditioning repair in Covington, LA.

Don’t worry, we’re going to break it down. We’ll talk all about when you should start thinking of replacement rather than repair. Keep this nifty guide handy so you’ve got something to reference as you check the condition of your AC.

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How Much Should AC Repair Cost?

July 5th, 2021

This is a really good question and it’s going to depend on a variety of factors. For starters, the size and shape of your air conditioner will change how much repairs cost, since larger, more complex systems will require more extensive repairs when something goes wrong. Or, in the case of a refrigerant leak, the longer the repair need has been allowed to go on unaddressed, the more expensive it will likely be to fix.

Today, our main focus is going to be highlighting some of these factors and making sure that you have ample time to address them. We promise you that if you can pay attention to your air conditioner and call us for prompt air conditioning repair in Hammond, LA, the price will be substantially lower than it would be if you were to neglect your unit.

Let’s take a look at how expensive your AC repair should be.

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3 Major Tips to Improve AC Efficiency

June 21st, 2021

The efficiency of an air conditioner is one of its most important factors. With an inefficient air conditioning system, you could feel uncomfortable, frustrated at rising energy bills, and overall be considering replacement. While we are absolutely the team that can provide you with AC replacement, your air conditioner could be in good shape, it just needs some help.

When things get hot here, AC systems can struggle to cool a home off efficiently. We’re happy to get calls for air conditioning service in Covington, LA, but what if we told you that there are things you can do in your home right now to boost efficiency and keep things comfortable?

Well, buckle up. We’re about to hit on some major ways that you can improve your air conditioning efficiency right now. Just make sure you call us if you have any questions about AC efficiency or a quick fix.

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5 Reasons to ALWAYS Call a Professional

June 7th, 2021

It’s natural as a homeowner to want to fix things on your own. It’s cheap, it can be fast, and you don’t need to deal with the hassle of calling someone and waiting for their response. We’re not trying to tell you that DIY repairs are bad. We’re trying to tell you that some DIY repairs can be bad in a variety of different ways.

If you want to keep changing the oil on your car, then by all means do so! In fact, we still recommend homeowners change out their HVAC air filters on a regular basis. This is something that’s simple and easy enough that even a person with no HVAC training can do it perfectly. However, this is a special case. Other air conditioning repairs in Laplace, LA need professional attention.

If you’re asking yourself, “Why would I need to call a professional for something simple like a quick fix?” Then we urge you to keep reading.

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