Three Reasons to Get Your Old AC Replaced

August 15th, 2022

Unfortunately for consumers, air conditioners don’t last forever. This might not be much of a surprise, since nothing in the tech, home improvement, or HVAC industry lasts forever. An important part of our ingenuity when it comes to human beings is our ability to replace broken parts and systems that don’t work, with newer more efficient ones that do. We replace our cars, our appliances, and even entire sections of our homes.

Your air conditioner is no different, and although you might want it to last forever, it won’t. That’s why having a team on hand to provide you with professional AC replacement in Covington, LA. A trusted professional is going to be able to point you in the right direction in terms of the replacement system, defining factors to consider, and budget constraints.

For now, why not keep reading to figure out if you’re one of the people who might benefit the most from an AC replacement?

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What’s the Point of an AC Blog?

August 1st, 2022

There are usually two types of people who arrive at our blog posts. The first are some of our loyal fans who like to keep up to date on the technological advancements that this industry is making, along with some company announcements that might affect them. The second type are people who generally need help and get to our site using a search engine and need some answers.

People need air conditioning service in Mandeville, LA, and our blog serves as an entry point for you to learn about our company, our values, and some of the reasons why you might need to call a pro.

We can’t necessarily help you while you’re on this blog post, and we’re not going to be able to teach you how to fix your own air conditioner. But with the right information, we can keep you updated and confident about some of the important comfort choices you’re going to make down the line.

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Replacement vs. Repair: Which Does Your AC Need?

July 18th, 2022

If you’ve lived in this area for even just a year, then you know just how sweltering our summers get. Therefore, you need a reliable and efficient air conditioner to get you through. This means that if you’ve come across this blog post, in the middle of summer, then you probably need help fast.

Maybe you’re wondering if you should call for repair, or if it’s finally time to replace your aging air conditioner. Whichever Mandeville, LA air conditioning service you need, the team here at Professional Heating & Air is here to help. We are available to provide any repairs you need for your air conditioner, as well as advise you on your replacement options.

Of course, except in the case of a total air conditioner breakdown, repairs are always a possibility. But repairs aren’t always the most economical decision, especially when it comes to an aging system. Read on to learn when it’s reasonable to invest in a repair, and when it’s a better choice to consider an air conditioner upgrade.

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Ice on Your Condenser Coil: Here’s What to Do

July 4th, 2022

So, you’ve walked outside to do some gardening, or perhaps you’re going to mow the lawn for the Fourth of July, and you see ice growing on the condenser coil of your air conditioner. You’re smart enough to view this as a strange occurrence, so you start looking up the symptoms online to see how serious of a problem it is.

Well, congratulations! You’re one of the few AC owners that actually register this as a problem and the first step towards fixing it is learning about it. Ice growing on your air conditioner is never a good thing, and it most likely means you need air conditioning repair in Hammond, LA. There could be several things wrong with it, and only a licensed professional like the ones from our team will be able to get to the bottom of it and fix it properly.

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Does an Air Purifier Really Work?

June 20th, 2022

We get a lot of calls from homeowners who read some kind of “debunking” article about air purifiers in Hammond, LA. These kinds of articles, videos, and blog posts are pretty common lately because their primary intent is to open your mind about a certain piece of equipment or technology that you previously thought worked well. While we applaud anyone who looks at scientific articles and other research on their prospective devices, whole-house air purifiers are scientifically proven to work.

Portable air purifiers are tricky because they can sometimes be in over their head trying to purify all of the air in a large room or small home, but whole-home systems are specifically designed to treat the air in your entire house through the HVAC system.

So yes, an air purifier, especially a UV air purifier, definitely works. Keep reading to learn why!

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How Long Does an AC Last in Louisianna?

June 6th, 2022

This might seem like a pretty simple question, but the answer is anything but! Our climate is ho and, humid, with relatively mild winters, which means we get a lot of usage out of our air conditioners. Just like with the mileage on a car, the more you use an air conditioner, the more it deals with wear and tear until it finally breaks down and needs to be replaced. The hope is that your AC can last 10 years at least until it starts to deteriorate beyond repair.

The truth is that your air conditioner might last a different amount of time than your neighbor’s depending on a lot of different factors. This blog post is dedicated to highlighting those factors and making sure customers in our area know what to pay attention to when evaluating the condition and lifespan of their air conditioning in Walker, LA.

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What Can Happen When You Ignore an AC Repair?

May 23rd, 2022

Ignoring an AC repair is a matter of time. Sure, if you encounter a strange noise in the middle of the night, you might just feel better shutting your AC off and going back to sleep–especially if you’ve got a long workday ahead of you. You don’t have to treat your AC like it’s a stovetop erupting in flame. AC repairs are way more nuanced, and it requires a bit of expectation setting before you call for repairs.

However, if you’ve been waiting weeks to see if you should call for professional air conditioning repair in Hammond, LA, then that might be too long. There is such a thing as waiting “too long” for AC repairs, as we’ll explore in this blog post. Sometimes, waiting too long can even lead to an early AC replacement, which nobody really wants.

Let’s talk about how long is “too long” to wait for AC repairs.

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“What’s That Sound?”

May 9th, 2022

Air conditioners aren’t supposed to be noisy. If you were to take any one piece of advice from this blog post, then it should be that. Your AC unit, while it might send air gently wafting into the rooms of your home, should never produce loud or uncomfortable noises. If it is, then there’s something clearly wrong with it and it might require the attention of a professional!

This blog is dedicated to informing our customers about some of the strange or uncomfortable noises an air conditioner can make. When you recognize one of these noises, take this as a guide to call our team for air conditioning services in Mandeville, LA. Then, with a professional on the case, you can sit back and relax knowing that the problem will be fixed!

So, let’s start talking about some of the noises that your air conditioner might be making that signal the need for support.

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It’s Time to Go with a Heat Pump!

April 25th, 2022

When you hear the term “heat pumps,” the first thing that may come to mind is a system for warming your home during cold winter days.

If you’re a resident of Hammond and the greater Louisiana area, heat is probably the last thing you want for most of the year. You might therefore be tempted to dismiss heat pumps as something you’ll never need. 

What you might not know is that heat pumps aren’t just for heating. They’ll warm your home during the cold season and cool it during the hotter months. 

Heat pumps are an exceptional HVAC choice for homes that need an all-year-round comfort system, especially in regions like Louisiana that experience mild winters and prolonged summers.

In this review, we explain everything you need to know about heat pumps and why they might be perfect for your home.

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It’s Time to Get Your Short Cycling AC Fixed!

April 11th, 2022

You’ve probably heard us talk about a short cycling AC a few times on this blog. It’s a serious issue that is not nearly widespread enough in terms of awareness. That’s okay, we’ll take this head-on, one blog post at a time!

Today, we’re going to talk about short cycling. We’ll discuss what it is, why it happens, and why it’s so important to get it fixed when you notice it. Sometimes it can be due to something simple like a refrigerant leak, and other times it’s a lot more complicated and requires very precise HVAC work. Thankfully, the team here at Professional Heating & Air specializes in air conditioning repair in Mandeville, LA, and we’ll get to work quickly to remedy your problem.

Keep reading to learn more about short cycling, the cooling process, and where you can help your system run more effectively.

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