What’s That Smell?

January 4th, 2021

We’ve got news for all you homeowners out there—sometimes heaters can smell. While there might be acceptable times for a smell to occur, like when you run your heater for the first time of the year and it burns off the dust that’s collected on it, most of the time it’s a bad thing. Using your nose can be a great way to discern when there’s something clearly wrong with your heating system.

No, this isn’t just for people with gas furnaces, this blog post is for anyone with a heating system! Heat pumps and gas furnaces alike can require heating repair in Mandeville, LA due to problems that cause bad smells. We’d just like to help get you on the right track so you know how to notice them and what to look out for. We’ll explain what these smells signify, how bad they can become when they’re neglected, and what you should do about them.

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7 Reasons to Call for Heater Repair

December 21st, 2020

We’re getting into the dead of winter, when heaters are most likely to fail and cause stressful problems at home. We’re not saying this to scare or alarm anyone, we’re only saying this to reinforce homeowners who are doing their best to keep their heaters working properly. If you need heating repair in Mandeville, LA, then be sure to call for professional help when needed.

Hold on, how are you supposed to even know that you need heater repair? Isn’t this a little complicated of a subject? Your heater might be making noises, but how do you know if they’re bad enough for a professional to check out?

Don’t worry, we’ll let you in on our experience in the field. Keep reading as we get into seven important reasons to call for heater repair this winter. If you recognize any of these, or feel the need to call us because of something else, we’re here!

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3 Things to Remember for Gas Furnace Owners

December 7th, 2020

This is an important topic to go over. Gas furnaces are the most common furnace type, not just in our area, but all over the country. If we tried to have homeowners switch from their beloved gas furnaces to a different system, they could lose out on a lot of savings and reliable heating. We encourage you to keep your gas furnace system running effectively, as long as you remember the following three points.

We’re about to go over some major things to remember when it comes to heating in Hammond, LA. If you’re not well-acquainted with these points, or you need help with the functionality, efficiency, and safety of your gas furnace, then don’t hesitate to call us for help. Gas furnace owners should be well aware of how to handle their systems, and with more knowledge comes more responsible action when things do go wrong.

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Your Thermostat, Your Heater, and You

November 23rd, 2020

Sometimes there’s a bit of a cycle we witness that goes on in the homes of our customers. At first, a customer has a problem with a heater that we then promptly fix. After that, there’s a problem with comfort levels, we try to pinpoint in the heater, only to find out that it’s a problem with the thermostat. Eventually, by the time the thermostat is upgraded, there’s a problem again with the heater. This cycle can happen over months, years, or even decades.

Today, we’d like to talk about why thermostats are so important to this cycle, in regards to heating in Mandeville, LA. Thermostats, just like heaters, have an important duty in your home’s comfort, and the moment you forget that you’ll run into an issue that you’d rather avoid.

So, how does your heater, your thermostat, and your comfort all work together seamlessly? Keep reading to find out!

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4 Reasons Why Our Heating Service Is Worth It

November 9th, 2020

You probably enjoy reading this blog. We fill it jam-packed with helpful information about your heater, air conditioner, and other HVAC systems. We always make sure to fact check our information and give you our thoughts as pros in the industry—without forcing you to buy our services. That’s a pretty good deal, right?

Well, there’s a reason why we do that. Sure, we love to help those members of the community when they need the opinion of an HVAC contractor in Covington, LA, but that’s not the biggest reason why we share our info on this blog. We’re mainly writing this blog to point out one glaring difference that becomes clear when talking to us and other companies in the HVAC field. We’re just better suited to service your heater than others.

Want to know why? Keep reading as we’ll give you five great reasons.

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We’re Having a November Food Drive!

October 30th, 2020

‘Tis the season to be grateful for all the friends, family, and other loved ones we’re constantly surrounded by. What would be a better way to show our gratitude towards this community, than by starting a November food drive? We’re offering $10 for each can donated by each customer, up to $30 total off of your next service ticket!

Are you in the mood to do something that makes you warm and fuzzy inside, while also help to lower your HVAC service bill? Then let’s start donating what we can to provide for the people in need. We can work together to start combatting hunger in the Hammond community, so be sure to contact us to get more info!

Don’t forget, when you need it done right, call Professional Heating & Air!

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Is Your Heater Struggling to Cycle Properly?

October 26th, 2020

Cycles, it’s all about cycles! What are we talking about? Well, you’ve got the water cycle taking care of your plants in your garden, the planetary cycle keeping the seasons in check, and the cycle of your heater keeping things comfortable in your home! Wait, you don’t know about that last part?

Heaters, just like air conditioners, run on cycles in order to keep things at the temperatures specified on your thermostat. By using a specific amount of energy or natural gas, they can produce enough heat to meet the requirements of your home and then shut off for a period of time. When cycled correctly, a heater will keep you comfortable with minimal energy or fuel consumption. If your heater is not cycling correctly, then you might need help with your HVAC in Covington, LA.

Keep reading as we get into the details about how heater cycling works.

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Check Out Our New Hours of Operation!

October 14th, 2020

The word on the street is that we’re open 7-7-7! What does that mean? It’s simple! We’re open from 7AM to 7PM, 7 days a week. This came after a lot of deliberation in trying to figure out how we could better serve our community. Now, you’ll never be charged for after-hours calls when they’re during this timeframe. You’ll also have more time to contact us when you’re dealing with a busy schedule this year.

Rain or shine, weekend or not, we’re open from seven to seven, every day of the week. Now you’re free to give our team a call after work, or before you’ve had a chance to take the kids to school. We’re ready!

When you need it done right call Professional Heating & Air.

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How Much Money Is Your Old Heater Costing You?

October 12th, 2020

There are very few things in this world that are as frustrating as an ancient heater that’s constantly breaking down, costing a lot of money, and barely keeping you warm. In fact, we’d argue that it’s probably the most annoying thing we experience in our industry. Homeowners deserve to be warm and cozy during the incoming holiday season, not panic calling their HVAC technician as they can’t feel their toes. That’s where we want to start this blog post.

Old heaters can cost a lot more than you might be willing to pay for. Homeowners groan when it comes to heater replacement because of how initially expensive it can be, but it’s really worth it. Services for your HVAC in Hammond, LA are all about long-term solutions that are bound to keep you satisfied and financially feeling good.

Let’s evaluate whether or not your heater is good enough to keep.

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The Smell of a Struggling Heater

September 28th, 2020

So the first day of fall has come and gone. You’ve probably played around with your heater a little bit to ensure it will work during the cooler temperatures ahead. Everyone has their own heater ritual when fall comes around. Perhaps you turn it way up to 80 degrees for a few minutes to ensure it produces a powerful flow of heat. Or, perhaps you just check to see it turns on at all—either way, it’s up to you to responsibly start working with your heater to get your comfort levels right.

However, sometimes there are peculiar scents that waft through your vents. These scents can be concerning. Whether or not they are normal or require furnace repair in Hammond, LA is up to the opinion of a sensible HVAC technician. Luckily, that’s who we are!

Keep reading as we talk about some of the smells a heater can make, and what you should be wary of.

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