What Kind of Refrigerant Is YOUR AC Using?

May 24th, 2021

Air conditioners depend on the use of refrigerant for the cooling process to take place. As it’s cycled from coil to coil, pressurized into a gas and a liquid, it moves heat around so that we can enjoy comfortable temperatures on the hottest days of the year. Without refrigerant, we’d still be relying on box fans and we’d probably be a lot grumpier throughout the summer.

That being said, refrigerant can be a touchy subject. For any homeowners who aren’t familiar, there are several different types of refrigerant and two of them are becoming household names. When it comes to air conditioning in Laplace, LA, there’s Freon and Puron, both different types of refrigerant that different homeowners depend on.

That being said, if you’re unsure as to which refrigerant your AC is using, or you’re unclear as to why there’s a difference, then we hope you’ll keep reading. There’s a big reason why homeowners should know their AC’s refrigerant type.

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It’s AC Maintenance Time!

May 10th, 2021

It’s spring, and you know what that means! It’s time to get maintenance for your air conditioner. Since the invention of HVAC technology, springtime has always been a moment of investigation for the condition and effectiveness of an air conditioner. After all, the hot summer temperatures aren’t here yet, so we’ve got a little bit of time to figure out if there’s anything wrong with your system.

One of the biggest reasons to invest in AC maintenance that we’ll explore today is that it staves off air conditioning repair in Mandeville, LA. The more well-maintained your system is, the less likely you are to have an emergency repair pop up when you least expect it. And while that might seem superfluous now, you’ll be thanking us when your AC is able to run effectively during the many heatwaves we get in the summer.

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Your AC Shouldn’t “Just Work”

April 26th, 2021

When your doctor asks how you’re doing at a routine check-up, do you say, “At least my body works.” While that might lead to an awkward conversation and a few follow-up questions, the point we’re trying to make is that doctors are more inclined to wonder how your body is doing, rather than if it’s just working at all.

The same goes for your air conditioner. Telling a professional from our team that it just “works” so there’s nothing that needs to be done isn’t really good enough anymore. AC systems all over our area are starting to struggle and homeowners don’t think there’s anything wrong with them until they start grinding and shutting down. At that point, it’s usually too late.

So, it’s time to talk about air conditioning repair in Covington, LA. If your system isn’t working the way you want it to, then maybe there’s something our team can do to change that!

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Short Cycling: What’s the Big Deal?

April 13th, 2021

We hear this comment a lot in the HVAC industry. We tell homeowners about the terrible problem of short cycling and what it could mean for their air conditioner, but they respond with “it still works, doesn’t it? What’s the big deal?”

Well, not only will we tell you what the big deal is, but we’ll also talk about why this deal is so big. Short cycling can signify a number of different problems occurring in your air conditioner. Some of them can be fixed quickly, and others will, unfortunately, require the entire replacement of the system. Yep, it’s that bad.

If you’ve gotten here because you think your AC is short cycling, and you need air conditioning repair in Hammond, LA, then you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about everything there is to know about short cycling, and make sure you call us if you still need help.

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What’s That Smell Coming From Your AC?

March 29th, 2021

If you’re confused by that title, then two things could be happening. The first thing is that your air conditioner doesn’t smell like anything, in which you’re probably at a blog post that’s not going to be much help. Or perhaps you’re one of the many homeowners with a bad smell permeating through your house, who don’t realize that this smell is coming from your air conditioner.

Yes, air conditioners can produce a foul odor for some very specific reasons. Before you ignore what we’re going to say and get to work on your system trying to find where that smell is coming from, remember that you could cause serious damage or void your unit’s warranty if you’re not careful. Leave this kind of work to the experts when it comes to HVAC in Covington, LA. We can get to the bottom of why your air conditioner smells this way and provide clear solutions to the problem!

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The Do’s and Don’ts of AC Repair

March 15th, 2021

Air conditioners aren’t as simple as you might think. Homeowners, especially those DIYers, love to work on their own air conditioning systems because they think owning them makes them qualified to work on them. After all, with the advent of the internet, you’ve probably got access to some great online tutorials that can walk you through some quick repairs, right?

Nope! Even though it technically is your air conditioner, you might not have the equipment, the training, or the expertise to perform a repair. It doesn’t matter if these are small repairs or something major like a whole component replacement. Our team can provide quality air conditioning repair in Hammond, LA at an affordable price that keeps things like your warranty intact.

Steer clear of unrealistic promises and online tutorials that show you being able to do something that might not be safe.

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Indoor Air Quality, Heating, and How It All Works Together

March 1st, 2021

If this last year has done anything, it’s at least made you more aware of what could be floating around in your indoor air. Contaminants come in all shapes and sizes, some harmless and some absolutely seek to do us harm. It’s important that we stay informed as to what could harm us inside our home, and what solutions exist to prevent this from happening.

So, what if we told you that there were five distinct types of contaminants that existed within your HVAC system and your home? We’re not kidding, this can be quite a shock for homeowners that like to think of their homes as a sanctuary.

Contaminants in your air can also affect your heating in Covington, LA, by gunking up your air filter and damaging the sensitive components. Let us explain these five unique levels of indoor air quality contaminants and see where we can help.

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Don’t Mess With a Noisy Heater

February 15th, 2021

Ah, don’t you love getting up in the morning with the sun shining through the window, only to encounter a heater that sounds like a train engine? We’re joking, this is usually the moment where frustration sits in and you realize that your heater might be in a serious situation. What do you do? Do you put the gloves on, open the thing up, and research some diagnosing tutorials online?

No, you don’t. And we’re not just saying that to be picky, we’re saying that because you’ll end up paying for that mistake down the line. We’d rather you spend your money on something that actually helps the longevity of your heating system, like professional HVAC in Mandeville, LA.

So aside from telling you what you shouldn’t do to your noisy heater in Mandeville, what should you be doing? Well, keep reading and we’ll tell you!

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3 HVAC Things You Should NEVER Try

February 1st, 2021

We know, this makes us sound like the resident party-poopers. How dare we come into your home and ruin all the fun by telling you what you shouldn’t do. After all, it’s your house, your HVAC system, so you should be able to do with it what you want, right?

Well, not really. For starters, if you’ve got a gas-powered heating system, it can be downright illegal to tamper with that if you don’t have an HVAC license. Along those lines, doing anything other than what a homeowner should do to their HVAC system could cost you thousands of dollars in repairs or replacements, and can be a generally irresponsible thing to do.

If you’re not a big fan of throwing money out the window, and you’d rather leave the important stuff up to an HVAC contractor in Mandeville, LA, then pay attention. We’ll tell you what you should never try to do for your HVAC system.

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7 Tips When Choosing a Heating Contractor

January 18th, 2021

Heating contractors are all over the place these days. With the advent of the internet in the last 20 years and the disappearance of the phonebook, it’s become easier than ever to find a contractor in your area. While this might sound like a good thing, it’s both good and bad.

The good news is that you found our blog! You’ll also find our service pages through a series of links and you’ll be happy you did. The bad news is that other companies are getting attention as well, with nifty websites and cool designs and some of them might not have the best business practices.

We’re all about getting a job done right when it comes to HVAC in Covington, LA. Here are seven tips that can help you choose the right contractor when inundated with all of this information.

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