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Labor Day Means It’s Time to Check Your Heater

heating-maintenance-sessionLabor Day represents the unofficial end of summer, and while that doesn’t mean we’re ready to turn off our air conditioners just yet, it does mean that you’ll need your heating system before too much longer. We recommend heating maintenance sessions every fall to help that process out. Scheduling a session now helps your system get ready for another winter of use, as well as heading off potential trouble.

Maintenance sessions differ from regular repair sessions in that they’re not designed to address a single specific problem. Instead, they’re intended to check for any problem that might be brewing, large or small. Most heating systems have sat unused for the past few months, which can exacerbate issues like clogged burners or ignition switches low on charging. Checking on them before you have need of your heater – with weeks to schedule any potential repairs that may be in order – is usually a smart move.

What It Entails

During a heating maintenance session, the technician looks the system over for both little issues that may be bedeviling it, and larger issues that may require a more thorough repair job. In the case of small problems, the technician can correct them as part of the maintenance e session. If something more is required, the technician can set up the repair session with you for a later time, or even conduct it immediately if the issue can be resolved on-site.

The Benefits

Maintenance for your heating system has three specific benefits, which will help you keep warm and comfortable during the coming cool months.

  1. Improved Efficiency. Those little issues like clogged burners and loose bolts can cut down on your heater’s efficiency. That means the system won’t have to work as hard to warm your home this winter and your monthly heating bills will take a drop accordingly.
  2. Timely Repairs. It’s always preferable to spot potential repair issues early rather than late, which a maintenance session allows you to do. In the first case, it lets you plan the repairs at leisure: picking a time that works best for your schedule and prevents you from having to rush around in the wake of an unexpected breakdown. Indeed, it usually prevents those breakdowns from ever occurring, giving your heater improved reliability by addressing the problems before they become a problem. Finally, the repair job often costs less than it might otherwise, since the damage in question hasn’t had as much time to spread.
  3. Longer Life. When applied regularly over time, maintenance sessions make an excellent way to stave off the effects of wear and tear on your system. Not only does that further reduce the risk of breakdowns, but it will help extend the life of your system by months or even years (though specifics will vary). Considering how much it costs to replace a heating system that can ensure maximum value for the money you spend.

For quality heating maintenance services throughout the Springfield, LA area, call the pros at Professional Heating & Air today!

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