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Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?


Your air conditioner has been working hard for a while now. And the season won’t be over for quite some time yet. All that hard work has a major impact on the ability of your air conditioner to keep chugging along and keep your home cool. And the best way to make it easier, and to cut down on the wear and tear that hard work creates, is by having annual maintenance done. Did you do that?

If you forgot to schedule your annual AC maintenance this spring, if you thought you could get away with skipping a year, or if AC maintenance isn’t something you usually do at all, your air conditioner is at risk of developing serious problems. Is it too late to schedule AC maintenance this year? Should you put it off any longer? What would be the benefit of doing it now? We’ll tell you.

Never Skip a Year

It’s definitely still worth scheduling a check-up for your air conditioner! Skipping a year will lead to decreased efficiency. You’ll end up using more electricity just to provide the same amount of cooling power… or less, because lack of maintenance can cause less effective operation, too. A skipped year of maintenance will also increase the likelihood that your air conditioner will need repairs.

The more the air conditioner has to work, the more wear and tear will accumulate. This means a couple of different things: first, that an inefficient, unmaintained AC unit will be working harder and wearing out more, and second, that your air conditioner is most likely to break down during a heat wave, because it’s working so much harder than usual. And nobody wants that!

Finally, skipping a year of maintenance means allowing more mess to build up over the layers of dust and grime from last year. Maintenance involves a thorough cleaning, and without that, you’ve got all kinds of dust in there causing friction and overheating. You may also have mold, bacteria, and algae growing in the condensate pan which collects moisture! It’s bad for your AC and it’s bad for your air quality.

Benefits of Scheduling AC Maintenance Now

If you make an appointment right away, you can get that air conditioner back in tip-top condition before anything unfortunate happens. Maintenance will clean away all that mess, reduce friction, improve airflow, and help your air conditioner operate effectively and efficiently. It will even cut down on the likelihood that you’ll need AC repairs this summer by 85%!

But wait, there’s more! An air conditioner that receives regular maintenance will last longer than one that doesn’t. With no maintenance, an air conditioner might only last 5-8 years. If it gets maintenance every single year, it could last 12 years, maybe even more! Replacing your air conditioner is expensive and inconvenient. You don’t want to be doing that more often than necessary.

One more thing: inspecting and testing all your air conditioner’s electrical components will help to prevent any sort of safety issues. While AC hazards like electric shock and fire are rare, they can happen, and maintenance will help keep you, your family, and your home safe. So schedule your air conditioning maintenance in Hammond, LA!

When you need it done right, contact Professional Heating & Air.

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