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Serving Covington, LA


Indoor Air Quality, Heating, and How It All Works Together

If this last year has done anything, it’s at least made you more aware of what could be floating around in your indoor air. Contaminants come in all shapes and sizes, some harmless and some absolutely seek to do us harm. It’s important that we stay informed as to what could harm us inside our home, and what solutions exist to prevent this from happening.

So, what if we told you that there were five distinct types of contaminants that existed within your HVAC system and your home? We’re not kidding, this can be quite a shock for homeowners that like to think of their homes as a sanctuary.

Contaminants in your air can also affect your heating in Covington, LA, by gunking up your air filter and damaging the sensitive components. Let us explain these five unique levels of indoor air quality contaminants and see where we can help.

1. Volatile Organic Compounds

Also known as VOCs, volatile organic compounds represent toxic compounds that can range from wet paint to cooking smoke. While they’re easily created, they can stay in your home and be inhaled for a long period of time. Basically, studies show that compounds like these can be harmful in numerous ways, and they aren’t easily vented from your home without proper filtration systems.

2. Illnesses

Germs like viruses and bacteria can exist throughout your home for long periods of time. Not only are they resilient in your home’s atmosphere, but they also can cycle through your HVAC system so that they’re constantly coming in contact with you, guests, and other family members. An air purifier can adequately eliminate these illness-causing contaminants from the air.

3. Allergens

Every year there are 750,000 new asthma cases in the United States. This is bad news when you look at the millions of homes across the country that don’t have adequate air filtration. Particulates like dust, pet dander, pollen, and dirt can be cycled through your HVAC system where they’re constantly causing problems. Not only are they annoying, but they can trigger asthma at a moment’s notice.

4. Microbial Organisms

Proper moisture control is important for your heater during the winter. In fact, getting rid of all these contaminants is vital for your home’s HVAC system, longevity, and efficiency. However, when you’re adding moisture to your home during the winter, it can cause mold to grow. Microbial growths are insidious and dangerous, as they release mold spores that can cause people to get sick.

5. CO and other Fumes

If your heater is a natural gas furnace, then it’s going to release some fumes. All of these fumes should be exhausted from your home, and if they’re not, then you might deal with carbon monoxide poisoning, leaking gas, or other problems. Carbon monoxide causes nausea, dizziness, disorientation, memory loss, and fatigue. It can also be fatal.

Think about these five levels of indoor air quality when investing in your heating system. Make sure your heater works together with your air quality systems, like an air filter or air purifier, to allow for proper efficiency and functionality.

When you need it done right, call Professional Heating & Air.

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