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How to Tell if Your Heater is Inefficient

Heating season is fairly short here in Hammond, LA, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. We still get our share of chilly nights and while we may be paying less for comfortable heating than other communities further north, you should still watch for signs of inefficiency in your heating system. They mean that you’re paying more than you should for the privilege, and by letting them go unaddressed, you’re throwing money away that should be staying in your wallet. A good repair service can address the problems of an inefficient heater, but first you need to spot the signs. Here are a few ways to tell if your heater is inefficient.

Higher Bills

As your heater loses efficiency, it needs to spend more and more fuel in order to keep your house warm. That translates into a spike in your monthly heating bills. If you find yourself paying more for heating every month even though you’re not using the heater more then you’re used to, it probably means there’s some issue preventing it from doing everything it could.

Longer Heating Times

While your heater should never short cycle (turn on and off again rapidly throughout the day or evening), if your heater shouldn’t have to take an undue amount of time to warm your home. If you notice that your heater just runs and runs and yet your house is still a little too chilly, turn it off and summon a repair technician.

Cooler Air

When your heater first turns on, feel the air coming out of the vent. If it’s cooler than you’re used to or the heat isn’t up to the levels you’re expecting, it will take longer to heat your home and thus waste energy that it shouldn’t.

The good people at A Professional can correct any problem associated with an inefficient heater!

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