Professional Heating & Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

Is a Heat Pump Right for You?

Monday, September 26th, 2016

Heating season doesn’t last long here in Hammond, LA, and you’ll likely continue to be using your air conditioner well into the fall. But if yours is on your last legs, now may be an excellent time to consider a replacement, with temperatures falling and the need for constant air conditioning lessened. In fact, if you have a traditional air conditioner and are looking for ways to include a heating system without paying for a full-bore furnace, we strongly recommend installing a heat pump instead. What is a heat pump and how does it work? We’ve included a quick breakdown below.

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Benefits of a Heat Pump

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Here in Covington, LA, we’re used to relying on traditional centralized air conditioners to keep us cool during our sultry summer months. They’re an efficient and reliable system, but they’re not the only kind of air conditioner out there, and in some cases, an alternative type can be a better fit for your home. In particular, consider the benefits of a heat pump, which acts as both a heater and an air conditioner in one. It works in a manner very similar to traditional air conditioners, but with a few twists that can provide significant advantages to your home. Here’s a quick primer on how.

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There’s No Cold Air Coming Out of My Heat Pump!

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Heat pumps make great purchases here in Springfield, LA precisely because they work in all seasons. You’ve likely had yours in heating mode for the last few months, but warm weather is returning, which means you’ll soon be moving it over to cooling mode if you haven’t done so already. Imagine the unpleasant shock when you switch your heat pump over and discover that no cool air is coming out of your system. This is the time of year when people often discover cooling issues with their heat pumps, and while a good repair service can fix the problem swiftly, it helps to understands what the causes may be. Here are a few of them for your edification.

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What Happens When Heat Pump Refrigerant Runs Low?

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Heat pumps see a lot of use here in Hammond, LA, since our winters are mild and our atmosphere is conducive to the technology. Heat pumps work in a manner similar to an air conditioner, which means they rely on a set level of refrigerant to do their job. When leaks spring up in the system or the refrigerant otherwise runs low, the heat pump needs the attention of a trained technician to make it right. Here’s a quick breakdown of what happens when there isn’t enough refrigerant in your heat pump.

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Why Is There Ice on My Heat Pump?

Monday, December 7th, 2015

Heat pumps are common means of keeping out mild winters at bay here in Hammond, LA. They use the same basic design as a central air conditioner, but with a twist: the cycle can be “reversed” to heat your home in the winter as well as cooling it in the summer. Heat pumps work extremely well in towns that don’t experience a lot of freezing in the winter, and can save you a great deal on monthly bills. But like any other system trouble can crop up from time to time. Take ice, for example. You may notice that ice forms on the coils of your system, which might not seem like a big deal since it involves cooling. In truth, however, ice one your system is a big problem, and unless you deal with it swiftly, it can lead to lasting damage to your pump. Understanding why there’s ice on your heat pump can help explain why it’s a problem.

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Are Heat Pumps Right for My Home?

Monday, June 1st, 2015

We’re all used to traditional central air conditioning systems, and for the most part, they do a very good job. But they’re not the only type of system out there, and if you live in Hammond, LA, they might not even be the best system for you. Heat pumps, in particular, make an attractive alternative to traditional systems, and if you’re looking to consolidate heating and cooling into one set. Heat pumps work very well in our sultry southern climate, but are they right for your home? Here’s a quick primer to help you decide.

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