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3 Ways to Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs

August is here and with it comes the highest cooling bills of the year. Hammond, LA is rife with humidity on top of the high temperatures, and while a reliable air conditioner will see you through it, you’re likely going to have to pay for the privilege. Just make sure you aren’t paying more than you should. You can take a few simple steps to cut down on your bill: steps you’re already likely familiar with such as wearing lightweight clothes in the house and setting your thermostat a few degrees higher than you might otherwise. But with a little help from a trained technician, you can do even more. Here are 3 ways to cut your air conditioning costs.

1.     Schedule a Maintenance Session

If you’ve performed a maintenance session in the last few months, you probably don’t need to worry: your system should be functioning at its peak. If you haven’t, however, then you’d be surprised how much these little tune-ups can help your system’s efficiency. Ideally, you should schedule a maintenance session once every spring before cooling season starts, but it’s never too late, and with a number of sweltering weeks still in front of us, a session now could make a big difference.

2.     Install a Dehumidifier

Air conditioners serve as dehumidifiers by default, since the process of cooling the air automatically removes moisture from it. But they’re not built to do so and the higher the humidity, the more unnecessary strain is put on the system. A separate dehumidifier will reduce that strain and help with monthly bills as well.

3.     Install a Zone System

Zone systems entail a series of valves in your ducts that allow you to reduce the air flow or shut the air off in parts of the home you aren’t using. That makes for big savings on monthly cooling bills since you only need to cool rooms you happen to be occupying at the time.

If any of these options appeal to you, then contact the pros at A Professional Heating and Air right away!

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