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3 Ways to Control Spring Allergies

sick-woman-blowing-noseSpring has arrived, and with it means blooming flowers, high humidity and lots of pollen in the air. Spring allergies can be terrible for a household with sensitive family members, and to some extent, you can’t avoid them. But a centralized heating and air conditioning system can prove exceedingly adept at controlling spring allergies, thanks to timely upgrades and additions performed by a rained technician. Depending upon your needs, they may be just the thing to stop your spring allergy problem cold.

Why The HVAC System?

Centralized heaters and air conditioners circulate the air in your home through a series of ducts: using a fan to blow cooled air (and heated air) into the ductwork. The apex of the duct thus sees the most amount of air in the least amount of time: circulated from all the corners of your home and pushed through your system. Placing a devise there can do wonders as far as sterilizing the air and cleaning up ambient dust goes.

What Systems Work Best?

Indoor air quality systems come in many different makes and models, and most are designed to address a specific problem. Which one you need depends on your specific circumstances. A trained technician can point you in the right direction and ensure that the system you buy is the one that will best suit your home. The three we most often recommend are:

  • UV Air Purifiers. UV lights are used as amusement parks and at rock concerts to make your white clothes glow in the dark. The UV stands for “ultraviolet,” a color of light we can’t see, but which pervades sunlight, and causes our skin to tan and burn on clear days. They’re perfectly harmless when used as electric lights, at least to multi-celled organisms like humans and pets. For germs and bacteria, however, it spells either instant death or the loss of their ability to reproduce. By placing UV lights to stretch across the apex of your ducts, you can cleanse the air of germs and bacteria: cutting down on colds as well as allergies.
  • Electronic Air Purifiers: Most HVAC systems have a filter designed to strain out dust and dirt as the fan blows. Kit works, but the filters can get messy and need to be replaced on a regular basis. Electronic air purifiers, on the other hand, use ionization to cause the dust to stick to a collection plate or similar receptacle. That collects every little bit of dust, no matter how small, and guarantees fresher, cleaner air in your home.
  • High humidity levels are a constant issue in our neck of the woods, which can foster bacterial growth and molds. In addition, it forces your air conditioner to work harder than it should, raising the strain and elevating your monthly bills. A whole house dehumidifier can ease that strain as well as providing reliable protection from mold growth.

If these indoor air quality devices sound like a good fit for your Hammond, LA home, call A Professional Heating and Air today!

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