This is an important topic to go over. Gas furnaces are the most common furnace type, not just in our area, but all over the country. If we tried to have homeowners switch from their beloved gas furnaces to a different system, they could lose out on a lot of savings and reliable heating. We encourage you to keep your gas furnace system running effectively, as long as you remember the following three points.
We’re about to go over some major things to remember when it comes to heating in Hammond, LA. If you’re not well-acquainted with these points, or you need help with the functionality, efficiency, and safety of your gas furnace, then don’t hesitate to call us for help. Gas furnace owners should be well aware of how to handle their systems, and with more knowledge comes more responsible action when things do go wrong.
Gas Furnaces Are Inherently Safe
So, gas furnaces are the topic of a lot of safety conversations around this time of year. This is for a good reason since carbon monoxide can be fatal and is the cause of hundreds of deaths in the United States per year. It’s important to be vigilant and to make sure that your furnace is running safely and effectively with yearly maintenance appointments.
Also, make sure you invest in carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. These systems are great at noticing any levels of a CO leak coming from your furnace and will promptly alert you when there’s a problem.
Basically, there are a lot of ways to mitigate safety problems with a gas furnace. As long as you invest in the appropriate services, like routine maintenance and carbon monoxide detectors, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. The only safety issues that come from gas furnaces arrive after years of neglect—so be sure to give your furnace the attention it deserves.
Furnaces Should Be Quiet
We hate that we need to talk about this, but it’s becoming clearer and clearer by the day that homeowners need to be reminded about it. Furnaces are not supposed to be loud, and when they are, it’s usually a signal that there’s a problem occurring somewhere inside.
Think about it—all a furnace should be doing is burning natural gas to create heat, and that heat should be vented through your home accordingly. What about that process should sound loud? Is there anything about gas burners or blower fans that equates to a booming sound or a screeching noise? Absolutely not!
The Earlier the Better
When you’re thinking about getting your furnace repaired, make sure you do it as early as possible. Homeowners who wait on purchasing help for their furnace repairs are often going to run into two or three repairs down the line because those problems can compound into other issues.
A loose screw bouncing around your furnace might not seem like a big deal for immediate furnace repair, but that screw will inevitably bounce into a more sensitive component, knocking it off-kilter eventually causing a system breakdown. Let’s avoid this kind of thing by calling for repairs at the first sign that something is wrong!
We’ve got your back. When you need it done right, call Professional Heating & Air.